November 2, 2008

This is... a favorite recipe I would like to share

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Isn't it funny how the best things turn out to be some of the most simple? I think it applies to both outfits and cooking and this dish is an especially great example hereof. When I was in primary school we made this once in cooking class (do notice my childish scribbles on the recipe) and I've cooked it on a regular basis ever since, adding just a few adjustments. The flavours match each other perfectly and on top of it, it's a beautiful dish with great colors.

Grilled tomato bruschetta
Serves 4 as a starter, 2 as an entrée..

4 slices of rustic, Italian bread
4 large, ripe tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 deciliter + a few extra drizzles of good olive oil
2 tablespoons of dark balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon of muscovado sugar
A few cloves of garlic
1 can of artichoke hearts
Lots of fresh parsley

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First, turn on your own on with its grill function at around 200 celcius. Next, half and core the tomatoes and put them into a dish, peel side up. Stir together oregano, oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and pour the mixture over the tomatos. Afterwards, put the tomatos in the oven for 25-30min and turn them around halfway through as well as pouring some of the lovely marinade over them again. While the tomatoes are in the oven, chop parsley and artichoke hearts roughly. When the tomatoes are finished (they should be soft and almost have collapsed by now), drizzle the slices of bread with a bit of oil and grill them until nice and crisp, should be around 6-8min. When that's done, it's time to assemble it all: first rub the bread slices with the garlic cloves and then put two pieces of grilled tomato on each slice. Then top with artichoke hearts and finish off with parlsey. Bon appétit!


~Sine~ said...

uhh, det ser meget lækkert ud! Er vild med artiskok og må sige jeres hjemkundskabsopskrifter var mere avancerede end vores :-) Men hvordan smager det med farinen?

Mettch said...

haha ja, det er skam også noget, jeg selv har funderet over.. det er alligevel de færreste 5. klasses børn som værdsætter fx artiskokker.. Nå mht. den brune farin ville jeg ikke undlade, da den får tomaternes smag til at fremtræde endnu kraftigere (som det jo så ofte er med sukkerprodukter).. det bliver på ingen måde sukkersødt :)

S. said...

Yum!!!!! I adore artichoke hearts<3 I was eating it today. =)

Dominique said...

This looks delicious!